Connecting with our Community

Welcome to Chippenham Without Parish Council

Welcome to the Chippenham Without Parish Council website. It has been designed as a “one stop shop” for Parishioners and the wider community and is intended to provide up to date and historical information on all Parish Council related matters, including meetings and decisions. It is only a starting point and we are open to suggestions on how to improve the content.

Chippenham Without Parish Council provides a vital part of local democracy, representing views and guarding local interests with Wiltshire Council and many other agencies.

If you have any issues that affect our community then please contact the Clerk of the Council, or any Council Member and of course you are always very welcome to attend a Council Meeting.

You can always come to a meeting click Here to find out when the next meeting will be.

A Council Meeting is scheduled for

Monday 23rd September 2024 at 7.15pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Agenda is published and can be viewed by following the link to Agendas 2024

ALERT ****

This is to alert everyone that a burglary took place in the Parish last Tuesday 13th August 2024. Parishioners are advised to be aware of the possibility of further criminal activities of this kind and to remain vigilant at all times.

Should you see anything at all suspicious please call the Police. Do not attempt to get involved yourselves.

A Council Meeting was held on

Monday 22nd July 2024 at 7.15pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Agenda was published and can be viewed by following the link to Agendas 2024

Draft Minutes are now available and can be viewed by following the link to Minutes 2024

AGAR Notice of Public Rights 01.07.24 to 09.08.24 (Follow link to Finance)

The Annual Parish Meeting

was held on Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 7.30pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Agenda was published and can be viewed by following the link to Annual Parish Meetings.

Draft Minutes will be published in due course

The Annual Council Meeting followed by a Council Meeting

were held on Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 6.15pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Draft Minutes are published and can be viewed by following the links to Minutes 2024

A Council Meeting was held on

Monday 25th March 2024 at 7.15pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Agenda was published and Draft Minutes can be viewed by following the links to Agendas and Minutes 2024

A Council Meeting was held on

Monday 29th January 2024 at 7.15pm

in The Pavilion, Allington Fields, Frogwell, Chippenham

The Agenda was published and the Draft Minutes can be viewed by following the link to Agendas and Minutes 2024


The Winter edition of your Parish Newsletter is now being delivered to all households and can also be viewed by following the link to Community News

 Chippenham Without Neighbourhood Plan (Now Adopted)

Dated : Thursday 26 October 2023 Claire Shoesmith
Deputy Counting Officer
Printed and published by the Counting Officer, Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire,
BA14 8JN

Referendum on the Chippenham Without
Neighbourhood Plan
Thursday 26 October 2023

For the electoral area in the parish of:
Chippenham Without
I, Claire Shoesmith, being the Deputy Counting Officer at the Referendum on the
Chippenham Without Neighbourhood Plan, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded at the said Referendum is as follows:

Do you want Wiltshire Council to use the Neighbourhood
Plan for Chippenham Without to help it decide planning
applications in the neighbourhood area?
YES 37    NO 2                         CARRIED

* If the proposal has been carried the word ‘Carried’ appears against the Question.
* If the proposal has not been carried the word ‘Failed’ appears against the Question 

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: 
A want of official mark 0
B voting for and against the same question 0
C writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D unmarked or void for uncertainty 0
E rejected in part 0
Total 0
Electorate: 139      Ballot Papers Issued: 39         Turnout: 28.05%
And I do hereby declare that result of the question asked has been

Referendum Version

of the

Chippenham Without Neighbourhood Plan 

can be viewed by clicking the link below

referendum version of the Chippenham Without Neighbourhood Plan  (PDF) [19MB] (opens new window)

For all Neighbourhood Plan documents click on the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum 26/10/23 information link above



Remember that YOU now need Photo ID to vote at a Polling Station

No ID?  You can apply for free voter ID

Find out more at  or call 0800 329 0280


The Council has received a number of Wiltshire Council Briefing Notes that may interest you. Click on the Community News link to view them


The first edition of your Parish Newsletter has been delivered to all households and can also be viewed by following the link to Community News